1. Characteristics of current standing of world market of sheet glass
2. Technology of glass production in Russia and in the world and equipment used
3. Resources for production of glass in Russia
3.1. Quartz sands
3.2. Carbonate resources
3.2.1. Dolomite
3.2.2. Chalk
3.2.3. Limestone and lime
3.3. Feldspar
3.4. Soda ash
3.5. Sodium sulfate
3.6. Role of broken glass in the process of production of glass in Russia
4. Analysis of supply at the market in 2000-2007
4.1. Statistics of production of float glass in Russia in 2000-2007
4.2. Regional structure of production of float glass
4.3. The main company-producers of float glass in Russia: their capacities, current standing and projects
5. Analysis of foreign trade operations in float glass for 2000-10 months of 2007
5.1. Export of float glass
5.2. Import of sheet glass
6. Analysis of demand for float glass in Russia
6.1. Supply-demand balance of float glass in Russia in 2000-2007
6.2. Regional structure of consumption of float glass
6.3. Sectoral structure of consumption of float glass
6.4. Analysis of factors, governing demand on float glass, range of the saleable products
7. Price analysis
7.1. Dynamics of average prices on float glass
7.2. Analysis of export-import prices on float glass
7.3. Forecast of price conjuncture of the market in 2008-2015
8. Forecast of supply-demand balance of float glass in 2008-2015
8.1. Forecast of commissioning new capacities
8.2. Forecast of production of float glass in 2008-2015
8.3. Forecast of development of end-uses
8.4. Forecast of consumption of float glass
Appendix: Addresses and contact information on Russian producers of float glass
List of Tables:
Table 1. Production of float glass in the world in 2006, mln t
Table 2. Procedure of sampling charge for its quality control
Table 4. Volumes of supplies of quartz sands to producers of float glass in 2005-2007, kt
Table 4. Volume of dolomite supplies to producers of float glass in 2005-2007, kt
Table 5. Volumes of chalk supplies to producers of float glass in 2005-2007, kt
Table 6. Volumes of limestone supplies to producers of float glass in 2005-2007, kt
Table 7. Volumes of supplies of lime to producers of float glass in 2005-2007, kt
Table 8. Volumes of feldspar supplies to producers of float glass in 2005-2007, kt
Table 9. Volumes of feldspar supplies to producers of float glass in 2005-2007, kt
Table 10. Volumes of sodium sulfate supplies to glass industry enterprises in 2005-2007, kt
Table 11. Share of processing of container glass in European countries
Table 12. Production of float glass in Russia in 2000-2007, mln m2
Table 13. Average thickness of float glass, produced in Russia in 2000-2007, mm
Table 14. Production of glass by JSC "AGC Borsk glass plant" in 2000-2007
Table 15. Commodity structure of production of glass at JSC "AGC Borsk glass plant " in 2005-2007, thousand m2
Table 16. Financial results of JSC "AGC Borsk glass plant" for the period of 2000-9 months of 2007, mln Rubles
Table 17. Volumes and destinations of sheet glass supplies of JSC "AGC Borsk glass plant" in 2005-2007, t
Table 18. Production of glass by LLC "AGC Flat Glass Klin" in 2005-2007
Table 19. Financial results of LLC "AGC Flat Glass Klin " in 2004-2006, mln Rubles
Table 20. Volumes and destinations of supplies of sheet glass by LLC " AGC Flat Glass Klin " in 2005-2007, t
Table 21. Production of float glass by JSC "Salavatsteklo" in 2000-2007, thousand m2
Table 22. Financial-economic results of JSC "Salavatsteklo" for the period of 2000-9 months of 2007, mln Rubles
Table 23. Volumes and destinations of supplies of sheet glass by JSC "Salavatsteklo", in 2005-2007, t
Table 24. Production of float glass by JSC "Saratovstroisteklo" in 2000-2007
Table 25. Financial results of JSC "Saratovstroisteklo" for the period of 2000-9 months of2007, mln Rubles
Table 26. Volumes and destinations of supplies of sheet glass by JSC "Saratovstroisteklo" in 2005-2076, t
Table 27. Production of float glass by LLC "Pilkington Glass" in 2006-2007
Table 28. Financial results of LLC "Pilkington Glass" in 2005-2006, mln Rubles
Table 29. Volumes and destinations of supplies of sheet glass by LLC "Pilkington Glass" in 2006-2007, t
Table 30. Volumes of Russian foreign trade in float glass for the period of 2000 - 10 months of 2007, mln m2
Table 31. Export of float glass in bulk and in money terms for the period of 2000-10 months of 2007
Table 32. Regional structure of export of float glass for the period of 2000 - 10 months of 2007
Table 33. Volumes and destinations of supplies of float glass by leading Russian exporters for the period of 2005 - 10 months of 2007, thousand m2
Table 34. Russian imports of sheet glass in 2000 - 10 months of 2007
Table 35. Regional structure of import of float glass for the period of 2000-10 months of 2007
Table 36. Volumes and destinations of supplies of float glass to the main Russian importers for the period of 2005-10 months of 2007, thousand m2
Table 37. Supply-demand balance of sheet glass in Russia for the period of 2000-10 months of 2007
Table 38. The main region-consumers of float glass in 2007, mln m2
Table 39. Sectoral structure of consumption of sheet glass in the world
Table 40. Executing works on construction contracts in Russia in 2000-2007, bln Rubles
Table 41. Commissioning dwelling houses in Russia in 2002-2007, thousand m2
Table 42. The main Russian producers of multiple glass units
Table 43. Average annual producer’s prices on float glass and rates of their growth in 2001-2007 (Rubles/m2, $/m2,%)
Table 44. Average annual consumer’s prices on window glass 3-4 mm thcik and rates of their growth in 2001-2007 (Rubles/m2, $/m2,%)
Table 45. Regional consumer’s prices on window glass in Russia in 2003-2007
Table 46. Prices on float glass of JSC "Salavatsteklo" production in January 2008, Rubles/m2
Table 47. Projects on creation of new productions of float glass in Russia
List of Figures:
Figure 1. Regional structure of consumption of sheet glass in the world in 2006, %
Figure 2. Shares of the greatest European glass companies in production of sheet glass in Europe in 2006, %
Figure 3. Locaion of plants of the main producers of sheet glass in Europe
Figure 4. Shares of the greatest glass-producing companies in production of sheet glass in North America in 2006, %
Figure 5. Locaion of plants of the main producers of sheet glass in North America
Figure 6. Typical flowsheet of commercial production of glass
Figure 7. Scheme of glass mass flow on the molted tin surface in forming glass strip by float process
Figure 8. Process of float glass production, elaborated by company Pilkington
Figure 9. Flow sheet of production of float glass, used by company Pilkington
Figure 10. Method of forming float glass, elaborated by Saratov Glass Institute
Figure 11. Dynamics of production of float glass in Russia in 2000-2007, mln m2
Figure 12. Regional structure of production of float glass in Russia in 2006-2007, %
Figure 13. The main shareholders of JSC "Salavatsteklo" in 2007
Figure 14. The main shareholders of JSC "Saratovstroisteklo" in 2007
Figure 15. Dynamics of foreign trade in flat glass in 2000-2007, thousand m2
Figure 16. Dynamics of export of float glass in bulk and in money terms in 2000-2007
Figure 17. Dynamics of import of float glass in bulk and in money terms in 2000-2007
Figure 18. Regional structure of consumption of float glass in Russia in 2007, %
Figure 19. Dynamics of building new flats in Russia in 2000-2007, thousand pieces
Figure 20. Dynamics of average prices on float glass in 2001-2007, Rubles/m2
Figure 21. Dynamics of average consumer’s prices on window glass 3-4 mm thick in 2006-2007, Rubles/m2
Figure 22. Dynamics of export-import prices on float glass in 2000-2007, $/m2*
Figure 23. Average annual prices on exported float glass for the period of 2004-10 months of 2007, $/m2
Figure 24. Average annual prices on imported float glass for the period of 2004-10 months of 2007, $/m2
Figure 25. Forecast of production of float glass in Russia in 2008-2015, mln m2
Figure 26. Forecast of volumes of housing in Russia in 2008-2015, mln m2
Figure 27. Forecast of consumption of float glass in Russia in 2008-2015, mln m2 |