I. Technology of production of coagulating agents
I.1. Methods of production of coagulating agents
I.2. Resources for production of coagulating agents
I.3. Flows and volumes of supplies of resources
II. Production of coagulating agents in CIS countries
II.1. Quality of products
II.2. Range of coagulating agents, produced in the CIS
II.3. Volumes of production of coagulating agents in the CIS in 2002-2006
II.4. The main company-producers of coagulating agents in the CIS
II.4. Current standing of the greatest producers of coagulating agents in the CIS
II.4.1. JSC "Arat" (Moscow, Russia)
II.4.2. JSC Pologi chemical plant "Coagulant" (Pologi, Zaporozh'e region, Ukraine)
II.4.3. JSC "SumyKhimprom" (Sumy, Ukraine)
II.4.4. JSC "Kazakhstan Aluminium" (Pavlodar, Kazakhstan)
II.4.5. JSC "Severstal" (Cherepovets, Vologda region, Russia)
III. Export-import of coagulating agents
III.1. Export-import of coagulating agents in Russia
III.1.1. Volumes of export and import of coagulating agents in Russia
III.1.2. Tendencies and features of export-import of coagulating agents in Russia
III.1.3. The main flows of export-import supplies of coagulating agents
III.2. Export-import of coagulating agents in Ukraine
III.2.1. Volumes of export and import of coagulating agents in Ukraine
III.2.2. Tendencies and features of export-import of coagulating agents in Ukraine
III.2.3. The main destinations of Ukrainian export of coagulating agents
III.3. Export-import of coagulating agents in Kazakhstan
IV. Review of prices on coagulating agents in Russia
IV.1. Domestic prices
IV.2. Dynamics of export-import prices on coagulating agents in Russia
IV.3. Dynamics of export prices on coagulating agents in Ukraine
IV.4. Export-import prices on coagulating agents in Kazakhstan
V. Consumption of coagulating agents in Russia
V.1. Supply-demand balance of coagulating agents
V.2. Structure of consumption of coagulating agents in Russia
V.3. The main end-uses of coagulating agents in Russia
V.3.1. Water treatment
V.3.2. Sewage purification
V.3.3. Water treatment in power-generation sector
V.4. The main company - consumers of coagulating agents in Russia
V.4.1. MGUP "Mosvodokanal" (Moscow)
V.4.2. JSC "Generating company" (Tatarstan)
VI. Forecast of development of market of coagulating agents up to 2012
Appendix 1: Contact information on company-producers of coagulating agents
Appendix 2: Contact information on company-consumers of coagulating agents
List of Tables:
Table 1: Aluminium-containing coagulating agents
Table 2: Composition of nepheline concentrate, %
Table 3: Mining of nepheline ore (1) and production of nepheline concentrate (2) in Russia in 2000-2006, mln t
Table 4. Performance specifications of kaolin of grade PLK PJSC "Mineral"
Table 5: Producers of sulfuric acid in Russia and Ukraine in 2004-2006, thousand t
Table 6: Production of synthetic hydrochloric acid (thousand t) in Russia and Ukraine in 2004-2006, thousand t
Table 7: Flows and volumes of supplies of resources in 2002-2006, t
Table 8: Technical characteristics of technical purified aluminium sulfate (according to GOST 12966-85)
Table 9: Technical characteristics of coagulating agent aluminium oxychloride (according to TU (Specifications) 216350-002-39928758-02)
Table 10: Technical characteristics of aqueous solution of ferric chloride (according to TU (Specifications) 6-01-1-88)
Table 11: Technical characteristics of technical iron vitriol (according to GOST 6981-94)
Table 12: Technical characteristics of aqueous solution of iron sulfate (according to TU (Specifications) 24.1-05766356-043-2002)
Table 13: Coagulating agents, produced by CIS enterprises
Table 14: Production of coagulating agents in CIS countries, thousand t
Table 15: Production of aluminium-containing coagulating agents in the CIS by companies in 2002-2006, thousand t
Table 16: Production of iron-containing coagulating agents in the CIS by companies in 2002-2006, thousand t
Table 17: Technical characteristics of aluminium oxychloride Aqua-Arat 10, 14, 18, 30 (according to TU (Specifications) 6-09-05-1456-96)
Table 18: The main suppliers of resources to JSC "Arat" in 2002-2006, t
Table 19: Volume of proceeds from sales of coagulating agents, thousand Rubles, share in total volume of revenues, % in 2001-2006
Table 20: The main suppliers of resources to LLC "Sintez" in 2002-2006, t
Table 21: The main consumers of coagulating agents of production of LLC "Sintez" in 2004-2006, thousand t
Table 22: Technical characteristics of aluminium hydroxychloride Polvak 40, 68, 80
Table 23: Technical characteristics of dry water purifier
Table 24: Country-consumers of coagulating agents, produced by JSC PKhZ "Coagulant" in 2002-2006, t
Table 25: Chemistry of waste iron sulfate
Table 26: Country-consumers of coagulating agents, produced by JSC "SumyKhimprom" in 2002-2006, t
Table 27: Country-consumers of Al2(SO4)3, produced by JSC "Kazakhstan Aluminium" in 2005-2006, t
Table 28: The main consumers of coagulating agents of production of JSC "Severstal" in 2004-2006, t
Table 29: Russian foreign trade in coagulating agents in 2002-2006, t
Table 30: Share of exports of various grades of coagulating agents (%) in total volume of their production in Russia in 2002-2006
Table 31: Russian suppliers of coagulating agents in 2002-2006, t
Table 32: Range of coagulating agents, imported by Russia in 2002-2006, t
Table 33: Russian export of coagulating agents by countries in 2002-2006, t
Table 34: Country-suppliers of coagulating agents to Russia in 2002-2006, t
Table 35: The main foreign producers of coagulating agents and volumes
Table 36: The main Russian consumers of coagulating agents in 2005-2006, t
Table 37: Foreign trade in coagulating agents in Ukraine in 2002-2006, t
Table 38: Range of coagulating agents, exported by Ukraine in 2002-2006, thousand t
Table 39: Ukrainian suppliers of coagulating agents in 2002-2006, t
Table 40: Ukrainian export of coagulating agents by countries in 2002-2006, t
Table 41: Country-suppliers of coagulating agents to Kazakhstan in 2005-2006, t and thousand $
Table 42: Kazakhstanian export of aluminium sulfate by countries in 2005-2006, t and thousand $
Table 43: Prices on coagulating agents the main of Russian producers, Rubles/t
Table 44: Prices on various grades of exported and imported coagulating agents in 2002-2006, $/t
Table 45: Prices of the main foreign producers of coagulating agents for sale in Russia in 2002-2006, $/t
Table 46: Prices of Russian suppliers of coagulating agents in 2002-2006, $/t
Table 47: Prices of Ukrainian suppliers of coagulating agents in 2002-2006, UAH/t
Table 48: Export prices on Ukrainian coagulating agents for country-consumers in 2002-2006, UAH/t
Table 49: Import prices on coagulating agents in Kazakhstan, by country-suppliers, in 2005-2006, $/t
Table 50: Export prices on aluminium sulfate of production of JSC "Kazakhstan Aluminium", by country-consumers, in 2005-2006, $/t
Table 51: Supply-demand balance of coagulating agents in Russia in 2002-2006
Table 52: Supply-demand balance of coagulating agent aluminium sulfate in Russia in 2002-2006
Table 53: Supply-demand balance of aluminium oxychloride in Russia in 2002-2006
Table 54: Supply-demand balance of coagulating agent iron sulfate in Russia in 2002-2006
Table 55: The main Russian consumers of coagulating agents in 2006, t
Table 56: Supplies of coagulating agents to enterprises of JSC "Generating company", t
List of Figures:
Figure 1: Flow chart of obtaining of aluminium oxychloride
Figure 2: Basic circuit arrangement of processing ilmenite concentrate with obtaining titanium dioxide and iron vitriol by sulfate method
Figure 3: Dynamics of production of alumina in Russia and Kazakhstan in 1996 - 2006, thousand t
Figure 4: Production of various kinds of coagulating agents in the CIS in 2002-2006, thousand t
Figure 5: Shares of countries in production of coagulating agents in 2002-2006, %
Figure 6: Dynamics of production of coagulating agents by JSC "Arat" and LLC "Sintez" in 2002-2006, thousand t
Figure 7: Dynamics of production of coagulating agents (thousand t) and utilisation of capacities (%) at JSC PKhZ "Coagulant" in 2002-2006,
Figure 8: Dynamics of production of coagulating agents by JSC "SumyKhimprom" in 2002-2006, thousand t
Figure 9: Dynamics of production of Al2(SO4)3 (thousand t) and utilisation of capacities (%) by JSC "Kazakhstan Aluminium" in 1999-2006
Figure 10: Dynamics of production of iron vitriol by JSC "Severstal" and consumption of the product as coagulating agent in 2002-2006, thousand t
Figure 11: Regional consumption of coagulating agent of production of JSC "Severstal" in 2006, %
Figure 12: Volume of production of coagulating agents in Russia and dynamics of export-import supplies of the product in 2002-2006, thousand t
Figure 13: Structure of Russian import of coagulating agents by grades in 2002-2006, %
Figure 14: Shares of country-consumers in Russian exports of coagulating agents in 2002-2006, %
Figure 15: Shares of suppliers of coagulating agents in Russia in 2004-2006, %
Figure 16: Dynamics of production and export of coagulating agents (thousand t) in Ukraine and share of export (%) in 2002-2006
Figure 17: Share of various grades of coagulating agents in total volume of Ukrainian export in 2002-2006, %
Figure 18: Shares of companies in total volume of Ukrainian export in 2002-2006, %
Figure 19: Dynamics of export-import prices on aluminium sulfate in Russia in 2002-2006, $/t
Figure 20: Dynamics of export-import prices on iron sulfate in Russia in 2002-2006, $/t
Figure 21: Dynamics of export prices on coagulating agents in Ukraine in 2002-2006, $/t
Figure 22: Changing pattern of consumption of coagulating agents (by grades) in Russia in 2002-2006, %
Figure 23: Pattern of consumption of coagulating agents in Russia in 2006, %
Figure 24: Flow chart of treatment of municipal sewage Figure 25: Forecast of production and consumption of coagulating agents in Russia up to 2012, thousand t |