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Glass Fiber Plastic Pipes Market Research in Russia

€2500 EUR

Glass Fiber Plastic Pipes Market Research in Russia
Content Content: Total: 84 pages, 27 tables and 12 figures
Publishing date Publishing date: April 2008
Delivery Delivery: within 24 hours by e-mail in WORD or PDF format
Languages Languages: can be provided in English or Russian
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The research is devoted to analysis of market of glass fiber plastic pipes in Russia.

The report includes 8 Chapters, volume of the report - 84 pages. The text is illustrated by 27 Tables and 12 Figures.

Chapters 1-2 briefly describe properties of glass fiber plastic pipes and technology of their manufacture

The information on resources provision of production of glass fiber plastic pipes – glass fiber and resins, given in Chapter 3, evidences that in future the industry may face hindering factors.

Chapter 4 composes core part of the research. Besides characteristics of the sector as a whole, the Chapter gives detailed information on the main company-producers. Special attention is paid to analysis of productive capacities of the plants, dynamics and standing of their economic data and description of range of their products with quality analysis.

The 5th Chapter gives detailed analysis of foreign trade operations in products from glass fiber plastic pipes, shows dynamics of imports and exports, characteristics of the main foreign producers, operating at Russian market, as well as on existing productions in CIS countries

Chapters 6 describe practice of application of glass fiber plastic pipes, prospects of development of the main end-uses and estimate capacity of the Russian market.

The 7th Chapter gives information on domestic equipment for production of glass fiber plastic pipes

Summarized results of analysis of the presented materials are presented in Chapter 8, which offers expert estimate of development of consumption, production and import of glass fiber plastic pipes in Russia up to 2012

The main information sources of the report were data of companies (including information, obtained in the course of the interviews with their representatives), involved in the market activity. Their allowed to estimate standing of the sector as a whole and situation at each discussed enterprise, to refined data of Federal Service of State Statistics (FSSS) of Russia, which are mistaken to some extent, in the opinion of InfoMine. Foreign trade activity was analysed on the basis of data of Federal Customs Service (FCS) of Russia. Information of regional mass-media was additional source for expert analysis.

We hope, that the research will help specialists in their own evaluation of standing of market of glass fiber plastic pipes in Russia and to facilitate making business decisions

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Table of content



1. Kinds of glass fiber plastic pipes

1.1. Glass fiber plastic pipes based on a polyester resin binder (GRP)

1.2. Glass fiber plastic pipes based on epoxy resin binder (GRE)

1.3. Types of pipe joint

1.4. Types of design of pipe walls

1.5. Methods of production of glass fiber plastic pipes


2. The main properties of glass fiber plastic pipes


3. Resources for production of glass fiber plastic pipes


4. Production of glass fiber plastic pipes

4.1. Characteristics of the main producers

4.1.1. LLC NPP «Plant of glass fiber plastic pipes»

4.1.2. LLC «TruboprovodSpetsStroi»

LLC «Plast»

PJSC «NPP «Composite-Neft’»

4.1.3. JSC DPO “Plastic”

4.1.4. LLC «Armplast»

4.1.5. FGUP «Avangard»

4.1.6. Other producers


5. Foreign trade operations in glass fiber plastic pipes

5.1. Import of glass fiber plastic pipes

5.2. Export of glass fiber plastic pipes

5.3. The main foreign producers of glass fiber plastic pipes, presented at Russian market

5.3.1. Amiantit, Flowtite, Ampox

5.3.2. Group of Companies Hobas AG (Switzerland) and Hobas Ingeneering GmbH (Austria)

5.3.3. Ameron International Corporation

5.3.4. Xinjiang Yongchang Sekisui Composites Co. Ltd.

5.3.5. Production of glass fiber plastic pipes in CIS countries


6. Estimate of consumption of glass fiber plastic pipes

6.1. Pipes for oil-gas production

6.2. Pipes for communal utilities


7. Domestic equipment for production of glass fiber plastic pipes

7.1. Group of companies «Mashspetsstroi»

7.2. LLC «Alpastar»


8. Forecast of production of glass fiber plastic pipes in 2008-2012

Projects and newly launched objects on production of glass fiber plastic pipes


Appendix. Contact information on the main players of market of glass fiber plastic pipes

List of Tables:

Table 1. Factor of pipe rigidity in various standardizing systems

Table 2. Types of inner layer of pipes and its influence on their technical characteristics

Table 3. Dependence of physico-mechanical properties on winding type

Table 4. Fields of application of glass fiber plastic pipes based on a polyester resin binder

Table 5. Fields of application of glass fiber plastic pipes based on epoxy resin binder

Table 6. Characteristics of one- and two-layer pipes

Table 7. Economic aspects of application of metal and glass fiber plastic pipes

Table 8. Production of commodity glass fibers and products from it in Russia in 2001-2007, t

Table 9. Dynamics of production of glass fiber plastics by the main producers in 2001-2007

Table 10. Characteristics of glass fiber plastic pipes, produced by the main producers

Table 11. Mix of pipes, produced by LLC NPP «Plant of glass fiber plastic pipes»

Table 12. Financial results of LLC «Plast» in 2003-2006

Table 13. Financial-economic data of PJSC «NPP "Composite-Neft’" in 2003-2006

Table 14. Technical characteristics of pipes of JSC DPO “Plastic” for pipe driving

Table 15. Range of glass fiber plastic pipes, manufactured by LLC «Armplast»

Table 16. The main suppliers of glass fiber plastic pipes in 2007

Table 17. Dynamics of import of glass fiber plastic pipes by countries in 2001-2007, t

Table 18. The main importers of glass fiber plastic pipes in 2007

Table 19. Dynamics and pattern of export of glass fiber plastic pipes in 2001-2007, t

Table 20. Technical characteristics of pipes «Flowtite»

Table 21. Characteristics of pipes of grade Bondstrand

Table 22. Characteristics of pipes of grade Centron

Table 23. Producibility of lines LIS-400 and LIST-600

Table 24. Characteristics of winding machines of Group of companies «Mashspetsstroi»

Table 25. Characteristics of polymerization chambers of Group of companies «Mashspetsstroi»

Table 26. Equipment for production of glass fiber plastic pipes, manufactured by an Alpastar subdivision

Table 27. List of main and auxiliary equipment, required for organising production of glass fiber plastic pipes

List of Figures:

Figure 1. Wall structure if three-layer pipe

Figure 2. Dynamics of production of glass fibers, used as resources for production of glass fiber plastics, t

Figure 3. Dynamics of production of resins for manufacture of glass fiber plastic pipes in 2001-2006, t

Figure 4. Dynamics of production of glass fiber plastic pipes in 2001-2007 from estimate of FSSS of Russia

Figure 5. Dynamics of production of glass fiber plastic pipes in 2001-2007 from estimate of «InfoMine»

Figure 6. Dynamics of production of glass fiber plastic pipes by PJSC «NPP «Composite-Neft’» in 2001-2007

Figure 7. Dynamics of production of pipes by FGUP «Avangard» in 2001-2007, t

Figure 8. Dynamics of export-import operations in glass fiber plastic pipes in 2001-2007, t

Figure 9. Dynamics of import of glass fiber plastic pipes in 2001-2007

Figure 10. Dynamics of export of glass fiber plastic pipes in 2001-2007, t

Figure 11. Apparent consumption of glass fiber plastic pipes in Russia in 2001-2007

Figure 12. Forecast of consumption, production and import of glass fiber plastic pipes up to 2012, t

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