1. Basic legislation, regulating wastes management
2. Estimation of accumulation of polymer wastes in Russia
2.1. Industrial wastes
2.2. Household wastes. Classification of polymer wastes
3. Classification of equipment for processing of polymer wastes (crushers, grinders, agglomerators, separators, granulators)
4. The main producers of equipment for processing of polymer wastes
4.1. Russian producers
4.2. Dealers and traders
4.3. Engineering firms
4.4. Foreign producers
5. Foreign trade in equipment for processing of polymer wastes
5.1. Import operations
5.2. Export operations
6. Forecast of consumption of equipment for processing of polymer wastes
List of Tables:
Table 1. Structure of annual generation of industrial polymer wastes by regions of Russia
Table 2. Structure of annual generation of home polymer wastes by regions of Russia Table 3. Features of burning of polymers
Table 4. Technologies of chemical processing of polymer wastes, patented in Russia
Table 5. Fuel value of some materials
Table 6. Advantages and disadvantages of various rotors
Table 7. Dynamics of production of equipment for processing of polymer materials and spare parts for it in 2001-2007
Table 8. Financial-economic results of FGUP PO «Zlatoust machine-building plant» in 1999-2006
Table 9. Financial-economic results of PJSC «Kostroma plant of polymer machine-building im. L.B.Krasin» in 2001-2006
Table 10. Performance data of shredders and agglomerators of LLC «TPK «Trigla»
Table 11. Structure and performance data of washing lines of Chinese production
Table 12. Granulators, offered by LLC «TPK «Trigla»
Table 13. Structure and dynamics of export and import by kinds of polymer wastes in 2001-2007, t
Table 14. The main foreign trade players of polymer wastes market in 2006-2007
Table 15. Dynamics of import and export of equipment for processing of polymer wastes and secondary resources in 2001-2007
Table 16. Dynamics and structure of import of equipment for processing of polymer wastes and secondary resources by countries in 2001-2007, thousand USD
Table 17. The main players at market of equipment for processing of polymers in Russia
Table 18. Forecast of production and consumption of equipment for processing of polymer wastes in Russia up to 2012
List of Figures:
Figure 1. Structure of generation of polymer wastes in Russia
Figure 2. Sequence of operations in processing of plastic wastes
Figure 3. Systems of transporting resources in secondary processing
Figure 4. Classification of milling principles
Figure 5. Classification of sieving methods
Figure 6. Equipment, used in washing cycle, and its positioning
Figure 7. Scheme of positioning of equipment for processing PET-bottles
Figure 8. Dynamics of export and import of polymer wastes and secondary resources in 2001-2007, t
Figure 9. Structure of export of polymer wastes by countries in 2007
Figure 10. Structure of import of polymer wastes by countries in 2007
Figure 11. Dynamics of export and import of equipment for processing of polymer wastes in Russia in 2001-2007
Figure 12. Application of secondary PET in Europe.
Figure 13. Application of secondary PET in USA
Figure 14. Dynamics of apparent consumption of equipment for processing of polymer wastes in Russia in 2001-2007 |